Sunday, April 17, 2011


My baking exchange performance last week was a little crazy.  I wanted to make something like a pistachio cupcake or cookie, and finally settled on this recipe:

(Spoiler: it turned out alright)

I started the baking process at about 8:45 the night before trial.
At 9:16, I saw that of the three eggs I needed, I had one.

Then, without a food processor, I tried to crush the pistachios with a wooden spoon,

and that was a stupid idea.

But then I remembered that my blender is almost as good as a food processor,

and we were back in business.

Cake completed, topped with lemon glaze and whole 'stachios and left to cool just before midnight.

Successful trial, piano lesson, and baking exchange on Tuesday.

And this:


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