Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Kindle What? Nook Who?

On my doorstep arrived, with a San Francisco return address, Tyler's most prized possession, for my reading pleasure:

His mom gave him his first copy, but it went missing at some point.  T found this copy at a bookstore in New Mexico while he was travelling across the country.  He told me about it on our first night in SF, and now it's on my night stand.

And LOOK at this!

Janna just gave me this 1937 Fannie Farmer cook book in amazing shape!  I want to take the mushy feeling the giving left in my stomach and put it on this blog so y'all can feel it too.  You're goodness, Janna.


Mom's copy of Gatsby that we both used at the same high school, twenty-four years apart,
Rilke from a friend who knew from experience that it was what I needed this summer,
Dad's Atlas Shrugged that we still debate,
Tyler's Hesse - read these short stories,
Shakespeare that survived all of the purges of Gramps' library,
Tyler's favorite,
My new favorite, and
Shema's Prophet - one of our many inspiration exchanges.

Can your e-reader do dat?


  1. mmmm books ... i got goosebumps looking at that pile. i want to go read right now. even if most of my books are from costco and fall within the chick lit category, i still have zero urge to buy an e-reader. something about turning pages in a real, live book just makes me feel calmer than reading the same words on a screen does.

  2. i'm glad i'm not the only one that can still appreciate an actual book. i like old books. they have a beautiful smell to them. the great gatsby is my favorite. hence, the dog's name being gatsby. still can't believe i won that name game.
