Monday, November 15, 2010

Cell Phone Pictures Speak Thousands of Words

My cell phone agreement is up, and it's time for a new phone.  Before trading in the Blackberry Storm that houses a record of some tumultuous years, I time-traveled through my Pictures folder.  Here is the abbreviated version:

Good luck drink from the Old Well to start law school. Ready. Summer 2007.

Our new Chapel Hill apartment. Excited! Fall 2007.

North Carolina becomes home. Comfortable. Winter 2007/2008.

We bought a house! Ecstatic. March 2008.

Wedding planning. Commotion. Spring 2008.

Honeymoon. Reality check. Summer 2008.

Flight to NYC to interview for summer jobs. Hopeful. Fall 2008.

Friends during difficult times. Grateful. Winter 2008/2009.

National Championship! Celebrated unaccompanied. Bittersweet. April 2009.

Move to Atlanta to work for the summer...solo. Painful. Summer 2009.

Euro-trip with sister. Cathartic. August 2009.

The only picture I got of the Tower. Favorite. August 2009.

Sister visits me in my new apartment. Dizzy. October 2009.

Lovely night with an important new friend and a good man...trying to start fresh. Naive. Halloween 2009.

Gaga and the New Year with great friends. Trying. December 28th, 2009.

New roommate, new year, sacred friendship. Learning. Spring 2010.

End of law school, time to explore. Nervous, exhausted, determined. July 2010.

Israel. The beginning of clarity. August 2010.

Minutes before I left PK in Tel Aviv to catch a plane home. Ugh. August 2010.

San Francisco. Leaf, turned. Joy. September 2010.

Carrburrito's, North Carolina. Right. November 10, 2010.

I think it's time for a new phone.

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