Friday, November 11, 2011

Grandma's Hood!

Gram's neighborhood at 176th and University Ave in the Bronx, today.

This is the library I told you about, Gram. It wasn't there when she grew up here.

Front door of Gram's building!

Her apartment is in between University and Andrews.

Gram's building!

Gram's school!

Gram, the school to the left is the new middle school.

University Ave.


University Ave.

My Harlem Apartment!

My street! 141st.

My building. We half the left half of the building, my apartment is on the third and fourth floors.

Front door.

My bed and my super New York exposed brick wall!

Pictures of you guys. Gram, that mirror was your Dad's. I love it.

Kept me perfectly warm and dry during our snow storm.

My favorite tangible things, of and from you guys!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Girl's Gotta Do...

I've had enough of being Wicked Southern for now, and am going to focus my blogging here:

On everything that I think it means to be a great female.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

NOLA, baby!!

For my sweet 16-year-old sister's birthday, the Q sisters spent a fabulous 48 hours in Nawlins.

Beignet Parazzi:

Our verdict: worth the hype.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Get It, Girls

The girl and the woman, in their new, individual unfolding, will only in passing be imitators of male behavior and misbehavior and repeaters of male professions. After the uncertainty of such transitions, it will become obvious that women were going through the abundance and variation of those (often ridiculous) disguises just so that they could purify their own essential nature and wash out the deforming influences of the other sex. Women, in whom life lingers and dwells more immediately, more fruitfully, and more confidently, must surely have become riper and more human in their depths than light, easygoing man, who is not pulled down beneath the surface of life by the weight of any bodily fruit and who, arrogant and hasty, undervalues what he thinks he loves. This humanity of woman, carried in her womb through all her suffering and humiliation, will come to light when she has stripped off the conventions of mere femaleness in the transformations of her outward status, and those men who do not yet feel it approaching will be astonished by it. Someday (and even now, especially in the countries of northern Europe, trustworthy signs are already speaking and shining), someday there will be girls and women whose name will no longer mean the mere opposite of the male, but something in itself, something that makes one think not of any complement and limit, but only life and reality: the female human being.

Ranier Maria Rilke
Letters to a Young Poet

Monday, June 20, 2011

You're Supposed to Hate your Boss, Right?

Or get annoyed with them, even occasionally? 
I can't apologize for being head over heels for mine,
who takes me to the Bahamas just because.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Love This Picture

Love this girl.

Photo cred to Erica.  Awesome shot, baby girl!!